Bring in the business logo and information and we'll do the rest. We will work with your business to provide you with professional graphics in your advertising.
*10% Off for Shoshone-Bannock Indian
Tribal owned Small Businesses
(proof required)
*10% Off for Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Departments and programs.
Sho-Ban News
P.O. Box 900, Fort Hall, ID 83203
Office Phone:
(208) 478-3888/3701
Fax (208) 478-3702
Web Advertising
WEB Banner Ads
Prices & Sizes Per Month (4 weeks):
9” x 2” $135
4.5” x 2” $67.50
2.25” x 2” $33.75
1” X 2” $15.00
FREE Full Color Graphic. We can do your graphic designing
If you would like to advertise for multiple times contact us and let's talk.
Brenda Appenay (208) 478-3703 or email: brappenay@sbtribes.com
Free two-week consecutive web ad for first time Advertisers
who have never advertised/purchesed advertisement in
Sho-Ban News before as a welcoming gift. We hope to see more of you.
* Request this option to the sales representative to confirm and advertisments must be pre-paid.
The prices above includes:
One hyper link to your business website, email address or a Facebook page.
Full color graphics with your logo and information.
Shoshone-Bannock Festival
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
Official Website:
Shoshone-Bannock High School
Cobell Settlement
Native American Journalist Association
BIA Regions, Agencies & Tribes