Sho-Ban News Staff
Lori Edmo-Suppah, Editor
Roselynn Wahtomy, Assistant Editor
Alexandria Alvarez, Reporter
Jeremy Shay, Web/Graphics Specialist
Joseph Wadsworth, Videographer
Brenda Appenay, Circulation Technician & Advertising Salesperson
Brenda McKean, Bookkeeper
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• Letters should be typed, kept as brief as possible (500 words maximum) and subject to editing.
• Each letter must be signed by the writer or it will not be published.
• No anonymous letters will be printed.
• Guest opinions will be printed but only as space allows.
• Letters sent via e-mail must include contact information so it can be verified.
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Shoshone-Bannock Festival
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
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Shoshone-Bannock High School
Cobell Settlement
Native American Journalist Association
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