Sho-Ban News
FORT HALL — The construction crew broke ground on March 10 and March 14, the Tribal Court’s Reentry Program hosted a sunrise ceremony for two new manufactured transitional homes that will be placed on Serenity Lane — a site location off Agency Road.
Sasha Lopez Interim Reentry Program Manager is currently the only staff member. She said “This is a necessity in our community, to have a safe protected area where you can feel like you can work on your recovery, mental health and life skills to become productive adults.” She said the Reentry Program helps any tribal member of a federally recognized tribe within the community, who have been incarcerated and need help to reenter the community in a positive, independent manner. (cont.)
FORT HALL — On April 1, 1925, the Native American Church of Idaho (NAC) was organized and incorporated in Idaho. The 100th Anniversary of the NAC’s organization is this year.
The NAC of Idaho is located on the Fort Hall Reservation in southeastern Idaho and its members include enrolled members of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and other federally recognized tribal members. The NAC of Idaho is one of the oldest chartered Native American Churches in the United States.
The current Board of Directors is Franklin Devinney, President, Anthony Broncho, Vice President, Wanda Devinney, Treasurer, Shanna Devinney, Secretary, Lemuel Stone, Custodian, Sandy Navo, member, and Sarah Tendoy, member. (cont.)
Sho-Ban News
FORT HALL — The Shoshone-Bannock Language and Culture Preservation Department (LCPD) hosted a Men’s and Youth Regalia class on Saturday, March 15, where community members learned how to make a round bustle and a vest from instructor Stephan Kniffin.
On Saturday morning members of the community arrived ready to work on their projects and learn a new skill. To start off the class, Bailey Dann, Research and Education Specialist at the LCPD, gave a good morning welcome in the Shoshone and Bannock languages. (cont.)
Office of Public Affairs
FORT HALL — The Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Enterprise & Agri-Business Corporations (SBTEC) Distribution Warehouse had an open house on Tuesday, March 18.
Carlie Jim, SBTEC Retail Operations Manager, welcomed guests who helped with the construction and thanked them for their involvement and contribution to the project.
“It was a long time coming. Something that the Tribe envisioned clear back in 2003. So again, everyone that helped see this plan come to fruition, thank you,” said Jim. (cont.)