Sho-Ban News
FORT HALL — Waapi Kani (Cedar House) Mental Wellness and Recovery Services staff hosted a grand opening January 10 of the newly remodeled building.
The former Four Directions Treatment Center building now houses 17 office spaces for clinical services. In addition, substance abuse disorder counselor’s that are certified addiction counselors, mental health counselors along with the psychiatry team are located in the building. A conference room/break room was added said Jason Butler, Behavioral Health manager, whose office is also in the building. (cont.)
Sho-Ban News
FORT HALL — The 2025 Fort Hall New Year’s Rez Baby is Skyla Gene Perdash who is the daughter of Jessika and Traelee Perdash.
She was born on January 2, at 12:39 a.m. at Portneuf Medical Center in Pocatello, Idaho. She was 7 pounds and 7 ounces and 19.5 inches.
Her maternal grandparents are Karri and Jay Deschine and her paternal grandparents are Michelle Perdash and Jeremy Friday. Maternal great-grandparents are Buddy Hugues and the late MarGene Hugues. Paternal great-grandparents are Whitey Jones and the late Arlinda Jones, and Sanford Friday Sr. and Donna Friday. (cont.)
FORT HALL — Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Fish and Game is advising people to be aware of elk and deer herds wintering on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation.
Some of the locations to be aware of is traveling Interstate 15, Highway 91 from Blackfoot to Fort Hall, Ross Fork Road, Sands Road, Lincoln Creek and Bannock Creek. Elk and deer could be on the road at any time said Brett Haskett, Fish and Game director. (cont.)
Office of Public Affairs
FORT HALL — The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes donated $100,000 to the Blackfoot Animal Shelter & Rescue, which will go to the building of a new facility.
Blackfoot Animal Shelter & Rescue Executive Director Amanda Cevering received the check from Fort Hall Business Council Chairman Lee Juan Tendoy on January 15, 2025. Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Fish & Game Enforcement was also in attendance. The funds will be used to purchase new kennels and flooring. (cont.)