Reesha Pokibro goes after the ball in the Rexburg tourney on March 15.
Sho-Ban News
REXBURG — Local native volleyball team Yah-Tah-Hey traveled to Rexburg for Ricks Volleyball club fundraiser Saturday, March 15 at Madison School.
Coach Alberta Yazzie-Ramos said each year they recruit new players from the surrounding area, those who enjoy playing and competing in volleyball. Although most of the players have played together for many years there are always others wanting to join.
It was the team’s first tournament of the season, “It was an amazing tournament the people were so welcoming they made sure all of us were comfortable,” said Yazzie-Ramos.
Learning how play as a team has always been a strong point. Encouraging one another, helping with new technics, and becoming a good player all around.
Nova goes up for the ball.
Yazzie-Ramos said most important thing is to build a family volleyball relationship with one another and other teams.
All around the players are willing to expand, which make Yah-Tah-Hey an amazing team.
Yah-Tah-Hey players include Kia Pokibro, Linda Skunkcap, Spirit Wadsworth, Reesha Pokibro, Cheyenne Reed, Nova Tavui, Mano, Dulton Johnson. Also, Mia Haskett who played for Freebies team.