Fort Hall and Chubbuck Fire Departments work to put out flames on Ross Fork road.
FORT HALL — Fort Hall Fire Chief Brian Briggs said a fire started about 1 p.m. on July 5 along Ross Fork Road across from the Fort Hall Casino that threatened two homes.
Fort Hall Fire with the assistance of Chubbuck Fire responded to put out the fire that was less than an acre. Briggs said the fire was hard to control because four large stumps burning and the wind was pushing the fire.
Fire units were on the scene for an hour making sure there were no more hot spots. Briggs said the fire cause is undetermined but there may have been a machinery malfunction. There were no injuries or damage to structures.
Briggs advises the fire danger is very high for the reservation. A fireworks and burn ban is in effect as of July 6. The ban is in effect until fire danger drops or October 1. Exceptions to the ban are gas grills and ceremonial fires.
Bleachers and equipment for the Grandstand Revitalization project are on site and ready to be installed.
Sho-Ban News
FORT HALL — On June 25, the final shipment of equipment arrived at the Fort Hall Rodeo grounds to complete the Grandstand Revitalization project in the projected timeline for the Fort Hall Festival.
“All the materials are on site, and this is going to be the first week of installation. The crew will have to work hard to have it complete in a timely manner. The bleacher replacement phase is currently underway,” said Tax Revenue Director Wendy Farmer.
She also reminded the public while the rodeo stands are under construction, it is very important for community members, and especially youth to steer clear of the area to prevent accidents or injury during this time. Several reports have spotted youth walking through, and parents are being advised to talk to their children about the possible dangers, and remind them to stay away from the area.
The Fort Hall Grandstand were built in the 1970s, and has had very few repairs since then, and after years of degradation, they are receiving the repairs to make the grandstand safe and functional for community members. Once the project is complete some of the features will be the new ADA Compliance ramps that will have an easier and gentler slope for wheelchairs and strollers. The ADA Compliance was created by the Department of Justice and published the Americans with Disabilities Standards for Accessible Design in 2010.
Along the bottom bleachers, wheelchair areas will be incorporated so that wheelchair bound and handicap individuals can sit comfortable amongst their family. And if no individuals are in need of using the areas, it will provide a place for strollers out of the walkways. Community members are still welcome to walk the track or exercise their animals during this time.
Shoshone-Bannock Festival
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