Sammy Matsaw Jr.
Sho-Ban News
FORT HALL – On February 11, Sammy Matsaw Jr. served his last day on the Fort Hall Business Council as he resigned prior to completing his first two-year term.
He said the opening prayer for the Tribal member meeting, addressed Tribal member requests, Tribal government and Shoshone-Bannock Casino issues.
Matsaw said he resigned because, “It’s not easy being tormented, it’s hard on my soul and hard to go home to my family and not take work home.” “It bleeds over to my kids, they are being hurt by these people.” He recently faced scrutiny because some tribal members questioned his identity as a Shoshone-Bannock.
When asked what are some of the issues he believes he accomplished while in office? Matsaw said the whole two years he’s been trying to find money to get infrastructure built, “it just happened to land on the Natural Resources division.”
“Because the first thing being reorganized is the Natural Resource division. It’s not a personal endeavor, it could have been Tribal Health or Education because we have needs across the board, but it just happened to be Natural Resources and because of that we need a building.” “They should all be in once place to communicate for government efficiency.”
He explained, “We’re chosen, to be a member, to be Tribal members when we’re children.” “We’re responsible to give back to our Tribe as members, but when we give back from what I am hearing and seeing, is that if you don’t fit a certain criteria of giving back, then you’re going to be kicked to the side.”
“That’s really upsetting because people go away with this idea that you should get educated, get experience, different experience within the Tribe and bring those resources back to the Tribe and use them for good.” “If you do that you get push-back, and that’s just really sad.”
Matsaw served as FHBC treasurer and was the Bannock Creek District representative. The tribal council decided to select those positions when a full council is in formal session at their next meeting because two members were out on travel.