Attendees at the Waapi Kani Mental Wellness & Recovery Services Winter Smudge at the Sho-Ban Delbert Farmer Festival Arbor on December 12.
Sho-Ban News
FORT HALL — Waapi Kani Mental Wellness & Recovery Services hosted the Winter Smudge December 12, at the Shoshone-Bannock Delbert Farmer Festival arbor grounds with the theme “Honoring Our Children.”
Derrick Tinno Jr. gives a prayer at the Winter Smudge.
Derrick Tinno Jr., a 12-year-old, was asked by Waapi Kani Cedar House staff to give prayers to the community and he spoke after the smudging that he felt good “I felt surprised to be asked was a step up for me.”
Derrick Tinno Sr. said his son had no hesitation of accepting to give the prayer. “We went forward with it, and this is his journey to start his man life in the prayer way,” which made him feel good as a father and as a recovering addict and alcoholic who had been sober for 12 years.
Rainelle Edmo brings in the fire for the smudge.
Tammy Mosho, of Waapi Kani, said the reason for the event is to focus on youth of Fort Hall “We want to do something special for the kids” she said. The planning for the event took about a week to set up. The next Waapi Kani smudging is in spring of 2025.
Food was served to those in attendance.