Fort Hall Business Council, from left, Treasurer Sammy Matsaw Jr.; Member Devon Boyer; Secretary Ladd Edmo; Vice Chairwoman Donna Thompson; Chairman Lee Juan Tyler; Sergeant At Arms Ronald Todd Appenay; Member Nancy Eschief-Murillo.
Sho-Ban News
FORT HALL — The Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Council Chambers was filled with anticipation June 11 as interim Fort Hall Agency Bureau of Indian Affairs superintendent Veronica Herkshan gave the oath of office to elected Fort Hall Business Council members Ronald Todd Appenay, Donna Thompson and Devon Boyer.
FHBC officers: Lee Juan Tyler will remain chairman while Donna Thompson will continue as vice chairperson. Ladd Edmo is the secretary and Sam Matsaw will serve as treasurer. Ronald Todd Appenay was voted as sergeant at arms.
Boyer and Eschief-Murillo are the Fort Hall District representatives, Thompson and Edmo are the Gibson District representatives. Tyler is the Lincoln Creek District representative while Matsaw is the Bannock Creek District representative. Appenay is the Ross Fork District representative.
Newly elected officers Donna Thompson, Devon Boyer and Ronald Todd Appenay take
the oath of office on Tuesday, June 11.
The morning began with tribal elder Doyle Punkin giving the prayer. Fort Hall Veterans Association members Frances Goli, Nolan and Reggie Thorpe posted the colors as the Spring Creek Singers sang. Gifferd Osborne brought in the eagle staff and Miss Shoshone- Bannock Develynn Hall danced behind him.
The chambers filled with cedar smoke as Franklin Devinney and Anthony Pete Broncho smudged council members and the audience.
Spring Creek Singers also sang an honor song prior to the FHBC selecting officers.
Prior to the election of officers, Chairman Tyler acknowledge outgoing council members Gaylen Edmo and Claudia Washakie. He appreciated the dedicated work, “They did the best for us all.” He said the council all witnessed something good from them noting being on the council is a difficult position. “We’re really proud to be sitting up here and leading our Tribes,” he continued. “I know Claudia did an awesome job following her secretarial position – she had all kinds of notes and made sure that we had everything in place.”
Tyler said Gaylen did an awesome job helping out with policies – keeping them going with all the legal issues out there.
Washakie said it’s been a pleasure and a learning experience, “And it’s a tough job. You can’t please everybody all of the time but you got to do the best that you can regardless.” “Like Lee Juan said you always got to revert back to your Constitution as well as ordinances.” She said she enjoyed her time on the council, “thank you.”
Gaylen said today’s about the new members and seating them in a good way. “I just want to say I wish you the best, all three of you.” “And I just want to urge the council there’s just one issue that I think rises to the top and it’s this Wyoming hunting issue. And I hope the council takes that and continues to push it with the staff. I think we’re at a point in time in our tribe’s history right now where there’s no better time for us to wade into this. And we need to get it done.”
“Thank you to all of our people out there that supported me. Thank you to you old timers too that shared a lot of your knowledge with me specifically Nathan sitting over there and Darrell,” he continued. “Thank you and the council that I served with. This one and the prior council. It was an honor.” He said he appreciated the time and the experience to be able to serve with them.