Behavioral Health Manager Jason Butler speaks at the Summer Smudge on June 20.
Sho-Ban News
FORT HALL — Waapi Kani Mental Wellness & Recovery Services hosted a Summer Smudge for the community on Thursday, June 20 at the Festival Arbor to continue prayers and healing.
The event recognized the Mental Wellness Psychiatric Team including Dr. Kelly Palmer, DO; Dr. Christian Schmutz, MD; Dr. Ryan Kelley, MD; and Amy Belnap, PMHNP. Behavior Health Manager, Jason Butler, sang an honor song for the doctors and presented them with gifts.
Butler explained the doctors work with them in mental health. They partnered with the University of Utah for the last few years to bring in psychiatry residents to help with some counseling and medications.
Butler said, “The whole purpose of this is to create togetherness and also to create the spirit of uplifting one another.”
Doctors with FHBC members Ladd Edmo (left) and Donna Thompson (right).
John Kutch offered the prayer. He acknowledged the doctors for keeping the people well and thanked them for their work.
Fort Hall Business Council Treasurer Ladd Edmo thanked the doctors and said healing was important to the culture. He said it was good to know who the doctors are and recognize them. He thanked Kutch for the prayer and good words he shared.
FHBC Vice Chairwoman Donna Thompson was also in attendance and agreed with Edmo’s sentiment.
Hamburgers & hot dogs were served to participants at the Summer Smudge.
Afterward, a dinner of hamburgers, hot dogs, assorted salads, chips, cake, and watermelon was served to those in attendance.
Summer Smudge attendees.