Mr. & Mrs. Claus visit with youth and pose for photos.
Sho-Ban News
FORT HALL — On December 17, Santa Claus visited Timbee Hall where families gathered to take photos with him and received gifts.
Fort Hall Recreation Director Mike Sakelaris said it was the biggest and there were a lot of of volunteers to help.
Fort Hall Fire Department staff give out gifts to youth.
Over 550 goody bags were given out according to Fort Hall Recreation staff. “It was our first Christmas back inside the gym and had the largest turnout we’ve ever seen,” said Tadraschell Sister Murray, Recreation staff member. “The phenomenal success of our event is truly a reflection of the ever-increasing dedication, enthusiasm and generosity of our volunteers. Thank you for volunteering your time and effort, we would not be successful without it.”
Canyon Falls Farms donated 800 boxes of potatoes.
The Grinch made an appearance as well.
Fort Hall Indian Day Jr. Princess hands out stockings from SBCH.